Färgsystemet NCS bygger på forskning utförd av den tyske fysiologen Ewald Hering. Den första svenska versionen av Det naturliga färgsystemet presenterades 


Hering, Heinrich Ewald (her'ing) German physiologist, 1866–1948. Hering nerves Afferent nerve fibers leading from the carotid sinus by way of the glossopharyngeal nerve to the brain. They are pressoreceptor nerves responding to changes in blood pressure that reflexly control heart rate. An increase in pressure diminishes heart rate. Hering

WORKS BY HERING. WORKS ABOUT HERING. Ewald Hering (1834–1918) was a sense physiologist who played an important role as a pioneer in the new experimental physiological psychology that got under way as a separate discipline in the 1860s. Auch als Pfarrer kann Ewald Hering das Schreiben nicht ganz lassen. Gedruckte Predigten, Veröffentlichungen zur Obstbaukunde - seinem Steckenpferd - oder eine 1854 herausgegebene Schrift „Die im Königreich Sachsen gültigen Bestimmungen über Aufgebot und Trauungen“ bezeugen dies.

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Ein Gedenkwort der Psychophysik. rod24603. Berlin, Julius Springer, 1918. 107 p. Soft cover.

Karl Ewald Konstantin Hering (5. srpna 1834 v saském Altgersdorfu – 26. ledna 1918 v Lipsku) byl německý fyziolog zabývající se vnímáním prostoru a zvláště barvy. V letech 1870–1895 působil na pražské univerzitě.

2013 Sep;21(3):195-8. doi: 10.3109/09273972.2013.823796. The physiologist Ewald Hering (1834-1918): curriculum vitae.

Ewald Hering's color-opponent-theory is still considered one of the foundations of the visual sciences. Prior to Hering, Hermann v. Helmholtz introduced a theory of color appearance, which was based primarily on the physical aspects of the stimulus. In contrast to Helmholtz, Hering's theory strongly …

Ewald hering

Germany. 0 OpinionesEscribir un comentario. Beiträge zur physiologie, Temas1-5. Por Ewald Hering. Acerca de este libro · Condiciones de uso · Texto sin formato · PDF. Ewald Hering. Karl Ewald Konstantin Hering fue un fisiólogo alemán recordado por sus investigaciones sobre la visión del color y la percepción espacial.

Ewald hering

Hering studied medicine in Leipzig (1853-58). He was a professor of physiology in Vienna, Prague, and Leipzig. His chief works were in the physiology of respiration, sense organs, and muscles. Hering proposed the hypothesis of light and color Ewald Hering was a strong and important personality among the German physiologists of his time.
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Ewald hering

Han föreslog en teori som fortfarande  En son till Ewald Riebe var fältskären Matthias Bernhard Ribe (1625–96), som Bernhard Riebe: Biographica, RA; Civilakt 1686, nr 219, SSA; C Hering m n,  många andra var den tyske fysiologen Ewald Hering ledande inom detta område. Han fann att alla icke kulörta, dvs grå, färger bildar en bipolär serie mellan  psychologist Ewald Hering on the basis of perceptual experiments, the explanation for the color afterimages seen here is relatively simple.

Deutsch: Ewald Hering (1834-1918), deutscher Physiologe und Hirnforscher.
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Motståndsprocessteori för färgvision utvecklades av Ewald Hering, som noterade att det finns några färgkombinationer som människor helt enkelt aldrig ser.

Hering, Ewald Born Aug. 5, 1834, in Alt-Gersdorf; died Jan. 26, 1918, in Leipzig. German physiologist.

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Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind.

La ilusión de Hering, descubierta por el psicólogo alemán Ewald Hering en 1861 , es una ilusión óptica en la que las dos rectas paralelas parecen curvarse  Karl Ewald Konstantin Hering1834–1918 Hering based his opponent-process theory on colour appearances rather than on mixing lights of different  Karl Ewald Konstantin Hering, född 5 augusti 1834 i Altgersdorf, Sachsen, död 26 januari 1918 i Leipzig, var en tysk fysiolog. Hering blev 1862 docent i fysiologi  Ewald Hering. Hering, Ewald, 1834–1918, tysk fysiolog, professor i Wien 1865–70, i Prag 1870–95 och i Leipzig från.

The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Hering, Ewald Born Aug. 5, 1834, in Alt-Gersdorf; died Jan. 26, 1918, in Leipzig. German physiologist. Hering studied medicine in Leipzig (1853-58). He was a professor of physiology in Vienna, Prague, and Leipzig. His chief works were in the

Ewald Hering: Ein Gedenkwort Der Psychophysik: Hillebrand, Franz: Amazon.se: Books. Ewald Hering. Ein Gedenkwort der Psychophysik. rod24603. Berlin, Julius Springer, 1918. 107 p. Soft cover.

Hering postulerade förekomsten av två typer av celler i det visuella systemet för  Karl Ewald Konstantin Hering (5 August 1834 – 26 January 1918) was a German physiologist who did much research into color vision, binocular perception and eye movements.He proposed opponent color theory in 1892. Ewald Hering, (born Aug. 5, 1834, Alt-Gersdorf, Saxony [Germany]—died Jan. 26, 1918, Leipzig, Ger.), German physiologist and psychologist whose chief work concerned the physiology of colour perception. Ewald Hering Hering was more concerned with the introspective aspects of colours. He also spent considerable time investigating the eye’s perception of three-dimensional space.